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What do you think about Elvis? I think he's cool. Elvis is cool. What are your thoughts on Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell? I'm not sure what to think. This post will explore many of the major themes present in the book Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, as well as discuss some parallels between Nineteen Eighty-Four and our current world today under surveillance culture. It is my hope that this post will offer a new perspective on both the book and its concepts, as well as shed light on some of its lesser known implications for modern day life. This book is on many reading lists, and remains one of the top, if not the most popular books of all time. It is on the World War II reading list for High School in America, which is currently on my reading list. I was assigned this book in 8th grade, and I'll admit that upon first glance at the cover I thought it would be boring. Luckily for me, my teacher saw right through my attempt to get out of reading it and threatened to give me a bad grade if I did not finish it by summer vacation. I was, however, able to complete the book for an A- because I read the whole thing in one night. This book is not a typical book about school and friends and love and family and all of the things we all know and think we know about. This book is instead a read on politics, society, power-fantasy, control, manipulation and other issues that we may not see clearly while we are still in high school. It has been said that this is an allegory on society under dictatorship (Orwell used experience with Spanish Civil War as part of his inspiration), but that is too simplistic. The main character in this novel can be described as paranoid. He has no faith in the government, or that they are anything other than vile, corrupt men who are only out to use him for their own personal gain. The main reason for this is because he constantly receives messages from Big Brother, the head of the government. Big Brother is constantly telling Winston that he is being watched by friends of his past, informants who have infiltrated their "Big Brother" image to gather information on Winston and others. These constant warnings eventually lead Winston to believe that Big Brother will never let him be free of himself and his control. This, as it turns out, is true. This book has an important lesson for us today. It is important to acknowledge that surveillance culture is real and we should be very cautious of any sort of suspicious advances we may receive from our government or others whom we may think to be friends. Do not take what you read on this website as fact, but rather as a well written and thoroughly researched book and book review for students looking to explore the themes and ideals that Orwell captures in his work. Themes: There are many themes that run throughout the entire novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. Some of these themes include: technology, control, power-fantasy, love and loyalty. cfa1e77820